Modern Languages Deptartmental News
Senior Phase French pupils are off to the GFT in Glasgow next week to see this autumn's French film as part of the GFT foreign film season
27 pupils studying French in S3 will also be heading off to the cinema a day after the Senior Phase pupils to see their autumn season French film.
Saturday School in Modern Languages goes from strength to strength with pupils getting support in N5 French and Spanish prelim Writing (Job Application) and Higher French pupils receiving support for their Directed Writing (bullet points) prelim preparations.
Mr. Waugh will be on standby in room 226 this Saturday for even more support from 9.30am onwards. Sign up sheets are going up in the Square from mid morning today 28th Nov. The hot breakfast rolls are AMAZING - by the way!!
S1 - 27 pupils will be joining the Modern Languages department at the Chinese Buffet restaurant in Bishopbriggs to begin the Christmas holiday season towards the end of term in December. We're all looking forward to sampling foods from around the world.