Theme Of the Week
Shoe Box Appeal
The deadline for the Shoe box appeal is next Friday. The appeal helps some of the world’s poorest people and is really simple to take part in. A list of the items requested are outlined below; the most desirable items are highlighted in red.
- Stationery-pens, pencils, notebooks, colouring books
- Hat, scarf, gloves
- Deodorant
- Small toy
- Conditioner
- Sweets (no chocolate)
- Sanitary products
- Toothbrushes, toothpaste
- Soap
- Shampoo, conditioner
- Underwear/socks/tights
- New makeup
- Sewing Kit
- Shaving foam/razors
- Face wipes, moisturiser
Please try and take part in this really worthwhile cause and help some of the world’s poorest people at Christmas time.