All Saints Secondary School
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Welcome to our school

Thank you for visiting our school's website. 

All Saints' is a Roman Catholic secondary school in the north east of Glasgow. Our catchment areas include Balornock, Barmulloch and Milton but we also have a number of pupils enrolling via Placing Request most sessions. We want everyone in our community to thrive, to feel loved, to be happy and to have a wonderful experience of school, achieving their potential - whatever that may be. 


Our Vision: Through Faith, Community and Learning, together we achieve and Grow. 

Our Values: Love - Equity - Ambition - Respect - Nurture

Our Public Promise:  As a community of faith and an excellent place of learning, we will:

  1. Improve the quality and consistency of teaching and learning for all. 
  2. Get it right for everyone in our learning community, including improving wellbeing & improving outcomes in our BGE, Senior Phase and at exit point. 
  3. Improve our curriculum across all four contexts for learning, build the four capacities and support young people to develop their God given talents.
If you want to find out more about our school, please feel free to get in touch.
Head Teacher
Mr Brian McDermott