All Saints Secondary School
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Fairtrade Fortnight

As a Fairtrade school All Saints is celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight. This year people are encouraged to be loud and proudas consumers of Fairtrade products - whether it is bananas, chocolate, tea or coffee you buy or one of the other 1996 other products available throughout Scotland. As you can see we have began by adding to our homepage and a Twibbon to our Twitter account.

In school there will be many Fair Trade themed lessons over the next two weeks. Read more here.
Making Choices – S2 Options Programme 2011
English - BBC news reporting
Music - Jingles/African drumming
Art - Logo Design
Business/ICT - Trade
Maths - statistics/graphs
Social Subjects will be delivering lessons on Fairtrade all of next week to 1st years (lessons covering history/Mod Studies/Geography).  RE will be doing something very top secret…..Watch this space for more details.