All Saints Secondary School
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Back Pack Appeal

All Saints is currently working with Mary's Meals in running the Back Pack Project in the school.  The aim of this project is to help children living in extreme poverty gain access to an education. By attending school not only do the children increase their life chances but for them school is the one place where they can get a meal each day. 

The deadline for the project is Wed June 22nd and as part of this pupils are encouraged to donate their old school bags from this year so that these can be re-used by other children  abroad. Items for this collection don’t have to be new; just in good condition. A list of the most desirable items are below.  If your child is able to fill up a backpack of items that could be used  that would be great; but even the contribution of the backpack itself or an item from the list below would really make a huge difference to children who have very little. Please encourage your children to take part in this really worthwhile project!

Items being collected

Back Pack, notebooks, pens, pencils, paper, jotters, erasers, flip flops, spoons (for Mary’s Meal), t-shirt, shirt/ dress, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, shorts, small ball, tennis ball.