All Saints Secondary School
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Making Choices - S2 Options Programme 2011

Over the next few weeks, learners will be asked to make subject choices which will have a major impact on the remainder of their school career.

At the Information Evening on the 7th February 2011, Parents/Carers were issued with an Options Brochure and Form. If you have not received these materials please download them at the bottom of this page.

The Options Brochure details the available courses and levels of study that learners can choose to undertake for the next 2 years. Parents and learners are advised to read the brochure carefully before meeting with Pupil Support Staff.

By 25th February every learner will meet with Pupil Support Staff to help them complete their Option Form. Parents/Carers are invited to attend this meeting.

Completed Option Forms should be signed by the Parent/Carer and returned to the Pupil Support Teacher as soon as possible after the meeting. Parents and Mr Hamilton (DHT) must approve any changes to the S2 Option Form prior to the programme ending on Friday 25th February.

Option Brochure

Option Form

All  documents are in Adobe PDF format. You can download the Adobe Reader free of charge - just select the Adobe link here.